Monday, September 10, 2012

BYU bucket list

Im back to blog another day. Much has changed in our lives including moving to SLC, Bryan getting a job and going to NY for a month for training, doing major reconstruction on our condo, and many fun summer memories. Also Bryan graduated!

This makes me reflect back on my time at BYU and the things I wanted to accomplish. (Okay so these are aside from a normal students wishes.) So here they are:

1. Win an intramural championship, mostly for the T-shirt.
2. Make the Policebeat, preferably for something not illegal
3. Kiss at Squaw peak

Sadly, only 1 of 3 of these were accomplished. It wasn't for lack of trying though.

For #1, I was in 2 championship games and lost both times. They were for "Razor Sharp the 3rd" in women's soccer and "Blackbeard's Revenge" in intertube waterpolo. Oh how I covet those with a championship shirt.

There were two times when I thought I would be featured in the Police Beat in the Daily Universe. For those of you who don't know what this is, its the silly stories of what the police do and investigate on campus. I imagine there is a lot less busting parties and drug scenes compared to other schools. Anyway I thought me accidentally catching the basement of my dorm on fire while trying to make cookies would have made it. Sadly no. Neither did chasing ducks on campus to determine who of our FHE group would be the leader for an Easter Egg hunt.

And the 3rd came to pass. Thanks to Bryan on my birthday haha.

Anyway I should have added ridding the cougar in my graduation outfit to this list. I made Bryan do this when he graduated saying he would regret it for the rest of his life if he didn't. Here are some pictures of his graduation. I'm so proud of him and all this hard work.

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